Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) at Oaksey School
In our school, we know that "We shine brighter together" so we work together to provide high quality teaching and assessment for learning throughout the curriculum for all pupils. However, we recognise that some pupils may need adaptive teaching techniques, specialised, equipment or additional targeted teaching. Our Inclusive School Charter outlines how we support learning in the classroom and beyond. Teachers have considered how barriers to learning might be overcome in each subject area - this can be found at the bottom of our progression of skills documents. SEND support in school takes a graduated approach which will mean some children’s needs will be met through high quality teaching, adaptations within the classroom or interventions available to all children, whereas some children may need more specific intervention programmes.
Children who have a Special Education Need will have a support plan put in place with outcomes, provision and expectations agreed by you, your child and your child’s class teacher. Some children may have significant needs which may require an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). The graduated response explains this in more detail.
In accordance with the Code of Practice, we have published our “SEN School Offer” and SEN policy. You can view these by clicking on the links here or in the document list below.
Who Can I talk to?
Our SENCo is Mrs Rachel Woods. She has the National SENCo Qualification and is school 2 days a week. She can be contacted via senco@oaksey.wilts.sch.uk If you would like any further clarification about how the SEND Code of Practice affects your child please either speak to your child’s class teacher or to Mrs Woods.
Pupil Premium Expenditure - there are currently a very low number of children receiving 'Pupil Premium' funding in the school.
Expenditure from previous years, full Pupil Premium strategy and current 'Ever 6 'funding is available from the school office on request.
Accessibility Plan
In line with our core value of inclusion, we aim for every pupil to achieve the most successful individual outcomes educationally, socially, in their personal life and within their local community, and for their unique needs to be recognised and met as early as possible. Our Accessibility Plan intends to achieve this vision by empowering these children and young people to achieve all that they can.
Please find below Oaksey School's SEN Documents
School Offer Document - September 2024
Our Inclusive Charter - September 2023
School provision - Assess, plan, do, review
Pupil Premium Strategy 2023 - 2024
Able, Gifted and Talented (AGAT) Provision at Oaksey School
Ensuring high quality provision for our gifted and talented pupils is key to our ethos here at Oaksey Primary School. We strive to ensure that the needs of all pupils are met through an inclusive approach, which gives all children the opportunity to display their abilities, regardless of any other special needs or disabilities.
Gifted and talented children are identified by the class teachers through both test results, teacher assessment, other attributes that they show in their work and attitude to learning. We identify children across a broad spectrum of skills including; maths, reading, writing, PE, history, leadership and art to name but a few.
Additional challenges for children to extend their learning are provided both within the classroom environment and as extra opportunities, either with our partner school or through the Local Authority resources.
We believe that by supporting the needs of our gifted and talented pupils attainment will be raised for all. Whilst we encourage and support their academic successes, we also provide pastoral support and growth for the children and recognise that this is key to developing a fully rounded character and success in later life.
Please find below the pertinent school documents and if you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact our AGAT Subject Leader, Miss Holden (Class 2).