Emerald Class - Year 3 and 4   'we shine brighter together... '

In Class 2 you will currently find Miss Ford who is teaching us while Miss Holden is on maternity leave; Mrs Graham, Miss Humphries and Ms Morton who are the teaching assistant, plus all of our Year 3 and 4s!
Homework is set on a Wednesday and is due in on the following Monday. You will receive both a piece of literacy and a piece of maths to complete, additionally spellings are due in on Mondays. 
We have an open door policy and are happy to see parents at times which are convenient to both of us. Please feel free to book an appointment as appropriate!

Class 2 are learning about the Mayans and Gabi brought in some Mayan food for us to try

Class  2 and 3  were very lucky to have Rebecca Rooney from BBC Wiltshire to come in to our classes to teach us

about the role of a journalist.

She also helped us write some brilliant questions for when we will be interviewing people from our community later in the week. 

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Emerald Class - Year 3 and 4   'we shine brighter together... '

In Class 2 you will currently find Miss Ford who is teaching us while Miss Holden is on maternity leave; Mrs Graham, Miss Humphries and Ms Morton who are the teaching assistant, plus all of our Year 3 and 4s!
Homework is set on a Wednesday and is due in on the following Monday. You will receive both a piece of literacy and a piece of maths to complete, additionally spellings are due in on Mondays. 
We have an open door policy and are happy to see parents at times which are convenient to both of us. Please feel free to book an appointment as appropriate!

Class 2 are learning about the Mayans and Gabi brought in some Mayan food for us to try

Class  2 and 3  were very lucky to have Rebecca Rooney from BBC Wiltshire to come in to our classes to teach us

about the role of a journalist.

She also helped us write some brilliant questions for when we will be interviewing people from our community later in the week. 

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