'As individuals we let our 'light' shine, but we shine brighter together'
The curriculum and beyond.....
Y6 Residential trip to Braeside June 2023
Celebrating the King's Coronation
To celebrate the King's Coronation the school decided to create a large piece of natural art representing different aspects of the Coronation. The whole school went down to Oaksey Woods and together collected a variety of natural artifacts including branches, twigs, leaves, moss and pine cones. Over the next through days the children created a Coronation Shield to mark this very special event. Using a drone we were then able to take aerial shots of the completed art work. On Friday 5th May the whole school came together wearing red, white and blue. We celebrated with a small tea party and a service with parents to finish off the day. The children read out poems that they had written, sang songs and we finished with The National Anthem and The Lords Prayer.
Lego Club
I would like to start by thanking Fadoua Govaerts for running a very successful Lego Club for our Year 5 and 6 pupils. The theme for the club was “Superpower” and each team had to complete a presentation based on this. Many focused on alternative power e.g making synthetic fuel, fuel made from seaweed and using solar panels on boats etc. All the children did a fantastic job. Within their groups they also built a robot out of Lego. This was then programmed to complete mini challenges. On Wednesday all the groups participated in a competition which was judged by 2 external experts. They presented their ideas, talked about their robot and programming, they then had to attempt to complete their chosen challenge. The competition was very close but there could only be one winning team. Congratulations to Joshua, Maxim and Inaya – you did a fantastic job, and I am especially proud of how you stepped in to help the other teams when things were not going quite to plan. Above are some photos.
World Book Day 2023
Today the children have celebrated "World Book Day".
Each class got to work with a different teacher, as they shared there favourite stories.
This afternoon the children snuggled down in their pyjamas with a hot chocolate and biscuit. They listened to Mrs. Bray's favourite childhood story from a well loved book - "A Necklace of Raindrops" by Joan Aiken.
Opera Workshops
On Friday 25th March our children from Year 1 through to Year 6 were given the opprtunity to join in with some opera workshops.
The children not only learnt how to sing parts of different operas alongside our professional guests, but they also brought the performances alive with their own personal choreography.
We would like to thank Mr Malony (our Music Teacher) for helping organise such a wonderful event that so many of our pupils enjoyed.
We would also like to thank Lynsey Docherty and her team who joined us to make this event such a positive experience.
Below are some photos of the event and a link to a short video.
The Key Stage 2 children following the Lord's Prayer Trail in church, finding out what different parts of the Lord's Prayer means.
Class Pages & Topic Webs Please see Class pages |
Learn Your Tables
Yr 1&2: Multiplication.com
Year 3: Topmarks
Year 4: Cool Maths
Year 5: Woodland Junior
Year 6: Math Trainer
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